Cleaner WorldPrinting instead of EtchingWhen you purchase a RFID label with etched antenna, you are putting a big burden on the environment. The etching process starts with coating of copper or aluminum on a substrate material (e.g. PET). The etch-resistant UV-based ink is then printed over the intended antenna path or area. This forms a negative image of the RFID antenna. The material is then treated with an acidic etching solution to remove the unmasked, unwanted areas which sometimes make up to 80% of the metal you start with. The mask is then removed in an alkaline bath. You are dumping a huge amount of heavy metal pollutions, acidic and alkaline wastes to the environment. Printing is an additive process. When we print RFID antennas, we only use what is required and minimal waste is produced. The process starts with printing conductive ink directly on the substrate surface by screen printing and then the printed ink is dried and cured. This is a simple 2-step process and almost no waste is produced. Because of our clean manufacturing processes, our factory is exempted from waste water and air pollution approval from the government. |
Greener WorldBiodegradable MaterialsOur printed antennas are biodegradable as conformed to the global standard test method: ISO 14855-1. Our printed antennas reach more than 97% of biodegradation in less than 6 months’ time after exposed to inoculum (agent that promotes biodegradation). Our RFID labels degrade like other organic matters. Paper instead of PETPaper is used as the substrate of our printed RFID labels. The ingenuity of using paper simplifies our manufacturing processes and makes our products green. We never need to "convert" our RFID inlays because the use of paper substrate eliminates the entire "converting" process, saving a lot of energy and resources while reducing the overall costs of our products. Paper certainly is a much greener material than plastic, or more specifically "PET", which are widely used in other RFID labels. As of now, there is no large-scale recycling program known for used PET-based RFID labels. |